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An Introduction to Concertina Wired!

Who am I?

Hi, everyone! I'm Jayel, a neurodivergent enby PoC originally born in Florida, USA, Sol III.
My pronouns aren't he/him. Anything else is fine. :)


No exact number here, but I'm old enough to remember the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.

Despite how scared I was at that age when that shuttle went up, I still hold strongly to the idea that space and travel in the murky darkness beyond will be the key to us learning and growing beyond the point where we are: Always looking toward the stars.

Back story:

I was adopted as an infant, by my grandparents. It didn't bother me, honestly.
From a young age, I've always had an interest in taking things apart, putting them back together after seeing how they work, and making sure they actually work once the last screw is in place.
That makes a reappearance in my mid-twenties, as I spent time working tech support by phone for no-name companies that I might mention in posts.

I also grew up in the Church -- with a reverend as a father, it was both inevitable and unavoidable, those Sunday services. I don't exactly ascribe to a specific religion these days, but instead refer to myself as a Gnostic Explorer, wanting to learn bits about what others believe in.

I also grew up singing! My pre-adult life was filled with school chorus, church choir, and singing loudly into a ketchup-and-mustard colored radio with microphone from RadioShack. My vocal range is fairly broad, singing from baritone to somewhere in alto with little distress.

Despite the religious upbringing, I also had a healthy appetite for science fiction, science fact, and fantasy worlds, because that is almost a prerequisite for our future on distant worlds. Being more willing to accept that Capt. James T. Kirk's frequent run-ins with space aliens is a human-centric view, and isn't a guarantee of what life is on other planets might put me a leg up. :)

I have a love (or maybe a lust) for food and cooking. I enjoyed cooking all sorts of things, sometimes in unusual ways. No longer must a single utility appliance be truly single utility!

What I've done for a living

  • Retail and Food Service That was in my early days, but I was encouraged to go into...
  • Tech Support I did some form of this for close to a decade for a few businesses. Some of it was also...
  • Customer/Client Service Ultimately, a phone job is some level of this, but I eventually specialized in a form of medical...
  • Person Transportation Logistics This resonated well with my soul as I got into it. I miss it dearly.

The heart of the reason this exists

My current state is behind the concertina wire of a state prison system, coerced into signing a plea for something I didn't do.

With many thanks to the bevy of friends making this possible, I can share a glimpse of what a life inside a state prison in the USA is like, particularly as a neurodiv enby in a men's prison, in a state that clearly throws detestment at those who don't fall into the heteronorm/neurotyp spectrum.

Spoiler alert: It's nothing like what television and movies would have you believe.

I thank you for reading, sharing, and for anything this might inspire you and friends to do for legal and/or prison reforms.

Remember to drink your water, wash your hands, and know that it's bad form to coerce someone into a bad deal, no matter the industry.
Work together, humanity.

  1. I know someone is thinking it. For the purposes of defining my most likely audiences in 2023, I'll use the term humanity.
    Non-humans are very welcome. [:3]