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About this Site

How is it managed?

My name is Mel, and I am a friend of Jayel's.
I act as a go-between for them and this site by receiving messages from them over a (rather expensive) prison messaging system.
They send me a blog post formatted in markdown, and I update this site.
It makes sure their voice is properly heard.

Who are you?

I'm a community manager and tech support person, and a friend of Jayel's as a result of sharing various different circles and communities.
When I found out what had happened to them I went into full damage control mode, helped gather a group of their friends and started fighting against the system that put them away.
It's been a stressful, uphill battle, but we are staying strong, and doing our best for our friend.

What are the contents like?

This blog will contain mixed content ranging from musings on prison life to lamenting the situation at hand.
Care should be taken when reading as the contents can be pretty rough and/or disturbing for some readers.

How do I get about?

On desktop the panel to your left has all the posts sorted Year -> Month -> Day.
On mobile, the hamburger menu in the top left contains that panel.

How do I follow updates?

I have control over Jayel's old Twitter account at
You can follow that and I will post updates whenever changes are made to the site or new posts go up.

How do I get in contact?

Send an email to admin at the domain, I will be happy to answer any questions that I can or forward queries on.
If you have any legal contacts in the state of Florida that are willing to take on a Wrongful Conviction case please contact legal at the domain, we could be grateful for any help we can get.

Thank you very much for visiting, and reading.
You have no idea how much this means.
