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Oh, I have an idea.

Concertina Wired Shorts

George O. Smith's Highways in Hiding.

So that was the morning of my third day of incarceration and nothing more took place all day. They didn't even give me anything to read, and I almost went nuts. You have no idea of how long fourteen hours can be until you've been sitting in a cell with absolutely nothing to do.

Try 119 hours of nothing but food and meds to look forward to. Over and over again. For months on end.
Yes, that's an hour short of five days.
Pretrial detainees in Hillsborough County, Florida can be subject to solitary confinement conditions "for their protection", allowed out their cell for 60 minutes every five days to shower, shave, speak to loved ones on a payphone, submit requests to their public defender if it's a lucky Tuesday or Friday, and send orders for canteen (commissary) items.

Oh, and no, books are NOT available.
My people were not allowed to order books to help me maintain clarity of mind, sanity, while I was locked in a cell that reeked of dead sea life that was uncleaned for months on end, and no tools to even clean it myself. The toilet had a thick layer of rotting scum in it which lended that aroma to my confinement.

I had fewer liberties and rights afforded as a pretrial detainee than I do as a person with a conviction!

Indeed, my human, I do have an idea. :)

George O. Smith's Highways in Hiding.

You can't make a horse drink water, but you can lead a human being to a well and he will drink it dry if you keep a shotgun pointed in his direction.