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Yep, that was a lockdown.

Concertina Wired Shorts

So, the post I made on the 26th, where I hoped we weren't about to enter lockdown?

Yeah, we entered lockdown about an hour later. ๐Ÿ˜…
Three days of living in a toilet with a man; Best part of waking up, and all that.

Funny thought: you'd never wear your credit or debit card on your chest, would you?
In Florida prisons, you wear your Prisoner Express card on your shirt daily.
I am vaguely inspired to draw again, running with that idea as a theme. :'3

And if someone out there knows some business that wants to, say, donate ~2,000 prison-ready memory foam mattresses... I know a me that could gladly use one after all. :)

Have a pleasant local time of day, people.