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A Festive, Peaceful Holiday from behind the Concertina Wire.

Hi, readers.
As I sit here watching the residents scurry about, creating Christmas decorations from scraps of cardboard they have been permitted to have, I sit and contemplate the concept and idea of happiness.

I am one of a precious few Buddhists on our compound, and as such, I don't participate in the holiday festivities. I am happy, though, that there is at least celebration of Chanukah for those who celebrate it, and of Christmas, for those who celebrate.

I would, perhaps, be happier if other religions and faiths were celebrated, showing respect to those inmate-residents and their celebration of their faith.

I realize, perhaps, that that is a bit much to ask for. :)

That is okay; I got to celebrate a little bit of Bodhi Day (I celebrate based on the Japanese day of celebration, 08 December; others may celebrate in May), culminating in a serving of milk rice.

Milk Rice?

As I imagine it, it is rice that is cooked in or prepared with milk. It is mildly sweet, because of the sugars present in both milk and rice. Those who enjoy rice pudding may well enjoy milk rice.
We are able to buy bags of pre-cooked rice, just add hot water, stir, and cover.
I also receive milk powder each breakfast, resulting in a very easy combination of rice, milk, and water when I don't use the milk right away. Adding sugar is optional, but quite pleasant, I found.

It rounded out a day in a peaceful manner, sitting there with my correctional institution issued spoon in mouth, thinking about what comes to mind.

What does one think about?

I think about a lot. How to ease the sufferings of those here and their loved ones outside is a dominant thought process. I focus on making peace with being trapped in a corrupted system built on lies and deception. I think about all the people I helped over the years, in all of the fields I've worked, the lives I touched in positive and wholesome manners. I refuse to dwell on negativity that isn't in my locus of control to steer into positivity, for it represents clinging to me.

Power Steering is Fluid.

As so, as we work our way through the grand finale of holidays this year, I wish each of you, new and returning readers, search engine bots, random web aggregators, and so on a peaceful holiday, no matter what you believe in.

Take a little time to do something good for someone around you, whether you know them or not. Put a little smile on your heart. :)

Build community; it will grow around your positive seeds.