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My Fiefdom for a Mask

or, How prison controls the spread of sickness

Well, hi there!

This post will be a short one, but full of flavor.

Today, my prison dorm is on isolation protocol, as someone has the flu, and spread it around (not I). When someone gets sick with something contagious, it appears to be easier to lock down the entire dorm, keep us from admixing with the rest of the population, and keep us separated than issuing face covers and/or masks.

Florida is thpecial, what with the anti-mask attitude turned up to eleven here.

I remember when I was picked up in my beautiful home state, I had a mask. The officers transporting me to Florida wanted me to remove the mask. The last time, as such, that I wore a mask was out on the Left Coast.

It's almost as if the evidence of masks controlling the potential spread of sicknesses, gathered from around the world for decades does not exist!

Occasionally, you might see an inmate with a mask around here.
It makes me want to scream.
You IDIOT!! It's not a chin warmer! Your booger dispenser belongs BEHIND the mask, not over the top!!

They, as a whole, don't know how to frickin' wear the dang things!


My fiefdom for a mask, and worn correctly, friends.

Remember, if you're feeling unwell, but need to be around people, it costs you no dignity (no doubt) to put on a mask and protect others. You might even be saving a life by doing so.
Keep hydrated, wash your hands, and thanks for reading and sharing! :)